Tax Refund on NetSpend Card usually takes approximately 21 days or fewer. It takes the IRS around 21 days to issue refunds for some tax returns including processing and issuing the return. However, the IRS could process and issue the tax return more quickly or slowly depending on how you file your tax return.
If you’re waiting for a tax refund, find out how long it takes for it to appear on your Netspend card with our helpful article below.
Waiting for a tax refund can be a stressful and frustrating time. In most cases, the timescale of receiving a tax refund is out of your control.
Therefore, you just have to sit and try to wait patiently for it to arrive in your account.
If you want to receive a tax refund by electronic deposit, it can be sent directly to your Netspend account. But, even when you are expecting the refund, you are unlikely to know exactly when it will be paid out.
Yes, electronic deposits may be the fastest transactions available but there are certain factors that can affect the timing of your tax refund being paid into your Netspend account.
Tax refunds through Netspend depend on the schedule of the Internal Revenue.
Typically, it takes 21 days or fewer for tax returns to be processed and issued. However, this can be processed at a quicker or slower rate depending on how you file your return.
Find out more about the tax return process with our informative article today. We will be discussing some of the most frequently asked questions regarding tax returns through Netspend and much more.
Read: Does TurboTax Send You a Netspend Card?

What affects the tax refund timeline via NetSpend?
There is a range of factors that determine how long you have to wait for a tax refund through Netspend. Some of these include:
- The IRS schedule
- Errors in tax returns
IRS schedule
The schedule of the IRS is probably the main determining factor when it comes to how long or short you have to wait for your tax refund. You will not receive your tax refund until the IRS issues it. Until then, there is not a lot you can do to hurry the process up.
This process usually takes approximately 21 days or fewer. This includes processing and issuing the return. However, the IRS could process and issue the tax return more quickly or slowly depending on how you file your tax return.
Generally speaking, taxpayers who file their tax returns electronically receive tax refunds a lot faster than those who file theirs by paper. This is because of the additional time it takes for the form to be posted and received via mail. If you file your tax return online, it will be sent immediately.
Furthermore, the processing time at certain banks (in this case, Netspend) can determine when any money arrives in your bank account. Netspend is also in keeping with FDIC regulations so it can not accept a refund if your account has been inactive for 90 days or more.
Errors in tax returns
Sometimes, tax returns take longer than the typical 21 days. If your refund is taking longer than you expected, it could be down to a few factors. The main ones usually are errors in your tax return or certain processing issues at the IRS.
If any errors have been found in your tax return, the processing time will be increased. Therefore, you will have to wait longer to receive any possible tax return.
Common errors or mistakes in a return include the omission of a spouse’s Social Security Number, providing the wrong bank routing information or miscalculating the amount of tax.
Another factor in the last 18 or so months has been COVID-19. The IRS has warned that there could be delays in the processing of paper tax returns as well as tax return correspondence due to the global pandemic.
This can affect how long you have to wait for your return.
There is no guarantee that you will receive your tax return before 21 days or the estimated date given by the IRS. But, there are ways to check the status of your tax return which we will examine next.
Check your NetSpend Current tax refund status
It is possible to keep an eye on the progress of your tax refund with the IRS. This can help you estimate when the refund will be in your Netspend account.
To check this status, you can visit the official IRS website and check the ‘Where’s My Refund?’ tool. Alternatively, you can call the IRS Refund Hotline on 800-829-1954.
To check the status of your refund, you will need to have the first Social Security that is listed on your return as well as the amount of the refund you expect to receive to the nearest whole dollar.
On some occasions, individuals find that their refund has been issued but still not arrived in their Netspend account. If this is the case, you can call Netspend at 1-866-387-7363 and make a query. You can also log in to your Netspend account and simply, send a message or email Netspend at Customer service will reply as soon as possible.
Another method is to go down the good old-fashioned route of mail. Send a letter to:
Netspend Corp., P.O. Box 2136, Austin, TX 78768-2136.
For the quickest inquiries, we recommend calling Netspend or using the IRS website. Emails and letters may take a few days or a week to get any response from.
How can you deposit your tax refund into your Netspend card account?
When you receive a refund via a direct deposit, you will gain access to your refund quicker. This is because this eliminates the time needed to receive and load a paper check.
In order to get your tax refund deposited directly into your Netspend Card Account, you will have to give your tax preparer your personal routing and account numbers.
If you file your own tax returns, all you need to do is enter this information into the relevant sections of the tax return.
You can load your refund via paper check or direct deposit. For paper checks, you can load them in any reload location or via the Mobile Check load.
Bottom Line
Some tax refunds take longer than others to process and issue. This can be down to a range of possible factors such as mistakes in a tax return, an incomplete tax return, and the IRS schedule.
If your tax refund is taking longer than you anticipated, you can check its status via the official IRS website or by telephone.
If the refund has been issued but the money is still not in your bank account, you can contact Netspend on 1-866-387-7363, send an inquiry via your Netspend account, send an email, or post a letter to find out more about the status of payment.