A Venmo reminder notification are alert sent by Venmo to prompt a user to complete a pending payment request. It can be manually triggered by the person who initiated the payment request to remind the recipient of the outstanding balance or payment due.

To enable or manage these reminders:

  1. Open the Venmo app.
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Notifications.”
  4. Customize reminders for payment requests or other alerts based on your preferences.

What happens when you remind someone on Venmo? Need to send a reminder on Venmo and what happens when you do this?

Sometimes, sending a payment reminder can be tricky. You don’t want to appear too pushy, but you also need to ask for your money.

What happens when you remind someone on Venmo?

When you remind someone on Venmo, the recipient gets an instant notification prompting them to pay the requested amount. When the payment isn’t made soon enough, you can use the reminder function again until the recipient takes the right action. 

With Venmo’s reminder feature, you can easily send a notification to any Venmo user owing you money, reminding them to pay up. And you can keep sending your reminders if the person doesn’t respond in time.

What Happens When You Remind Someone on Venmo?

The use of Venmo comes with a payment etiquette you should note. Thankfully, this post covers everything about sending reminders to a Venmo user.

READ: Reasons Why Venmo Says My Card Is Already on File

When Should I Use the Venmo “Remind” Feature?

Now that you know that there’s a feature that allows you to send reminders to users who are yet to pay you, you’re probably wondering, “how soon should I use the reminder feature?”. Well, this is entirely up to you, but you’re probably looking for a way to do so that isn’t awkward.

To start with, you mustn’t overuse this helpful tool, although you may be tempted to “remind” someone more times than you’d like. Venmo recommends that you remind the user to send the payment in the space of four days from when you made the initial request.

But according to a survey conducted amongst Venmo users, they recommend that you wait for about 48 hours before you send a reminder. A large number of Venmo users, however, countered that 24 hours should be okay to complete the payment. So, ultimately, it’d be best to choose whatever time works best for you.

Nevertheless, there are some cases where you might want to use the reminder function frequently. For instance, if you’ve used the reminder feature when it’s recommended and you’re yet to see a positive response from the recipient, there’s nothing wrong with you sending the reminder daily or every two days.

How Do I Request Money from Someone on Venmo?

You must request the amount you’re owed before you can remind someone. To make matters easier for you, Venmo allows you to include a note while you’re making your request. Then, after you’ve sent your request and payment isn’t completed, you can proceed to make use of the reminder feature.

Requesting money on Venmo isn’t tricky; here are the simple steps you can take to do so, even if you’re a new user:

  1. Log in to your account on the app.
  2. On the screen’s top right corner, click on the draft icon (similar to a pen and dollar sign).
  3. Input the username of the person you’re requesting your money from.
  4. Type in the amount.
  5. Select ‘Request’.
  6. To finalize the process, click on the ‘Confirm’ button.

Steps to Follow to Remind Someone on Venmo

Don’t forget that you’ll be directed to send a request before you can proceed to send a reminder. So, how do you remind someone on Venmo? Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Open your Venmo App.
  2. On the top left side, tape on the three bars.
  3. Select “Incomplete.”
  4. You’ll see unfulfilled requests in the section for requests. Click on the blue “remind” button.
  5. Once you’ve done so, you’ll see an indication that the person owing you money has been reminded.

How Does a Venmo Reminder Look Like to the Recipient?

After sending a reminder to a user on Venmo, you might be curious about how the reminder appears to the recipient. For one, you should know that Venmo reminder notifications appear to the recipient like any regular payment request.

The notification will include your name, the amount of money requested, and how the money was used. For instance, if you’ve paid $30 for your friend’s Uber ride and you request the payment via Venmo, the reminder notification will likely look like this: “(Name) is requesting $30 for (Uber ride).”

what shows up when you remind someone on venmo

Venmo will automatically generate the information from the details you mentioned in the note when sending the original request.

So, the Venmo reminder notification appears the same way as the payment request you’ve sent. Venmo doesn’t add any extra details or notes to it.

Which Privacy Option Should You Use When Reminding Someone on Venmo?

Generally, Venmo has three privacy options for transactions, which are “Private,” “Friends,” or “Public.” Your transactions may be visible to others depending on which privacy setting you choose.

For instance, if you choose “Public,” your transactions will be visible to anyone on the app, while the “Friends” privacy option makes your transactions visible to only Venmo friends.

what does a venmo reminder look like

However, when reminding someone on Venmo, we recommend going “Private.” You don’t want to make the other person feel embarrassed or offended by sending them a reminder in Public mode.

Does Venmo Send Automatic Reminders?

No, Venmo doesn’t send automatic reminders if there’s a payment that’s yet to be accepted, Venmo won’t initiate a payment request on your behalf.

So, if you receive a payment reminder on Venmo, you should note that Venmo didn’t automatically generate it, but the person you have an uncompleted transaction with sent it.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Venmo understands that there might be some payment delays in transactions, which is why it has a function that you can use to remind a user who’s yet to complete their payment. If you use it, the reminder will appear to the other user as a regular payment request.

If you’ve decided to send a Venmo reminder to someone owing you money, make note of the payment etiquette. As much as Venmo wants you to use the reminder feature, it’s also essential to consider other people’s feelings.

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